The Commandments of the Table

1. Thou shall know thy stuff- The organiser has enough to manage. Your character is your own responsibility, so you should know how your stuff works and be open to the organisers interpretation. While helping others is allowed when asked, part of the learning processes is figuring it out yourself. You have bought the books – use them.

2. Thou shall not be everywhere at once – AKA Thou shall give others the cool moment and the be the hero/villain spotlight to another player when they can. Everyone gets their moment to shine.

3. Thou shall not optimize at the expense of fun, interest or any reason beyond the honest acceptance that you are optimising just because you can.

4. Thou shall always be searching for a reason to engage – in a quest, campaign, party dynamic and the adventure as a whole. If you want to play a character who simply exists then congratulations, you have thoughtfully forged an NPC for the organiser! May their blessings be upon you.

5. Thou shall remember tis but a game – Yes, your character could wipe the party because X, but then we’d spend the rest of the session making new characters. You have all gathered to have fun. It is not an exercise in perfect simulation of an alien mindset, it is a game. Have fun and don’t allow your fun to get in the way of someone else’s fun.

6. Thou shall remember this game is something everyone else has taken time and money to invest in.

7. Thou shall remember which side of the Screen thou are on – There is helping, and there is backseat driving. Offering to help track hitpoints, or how abilities usually work can be helpful, but arguing with the organiser about how magical fire burns? Come on.

8. Thou shall lift up others – teasing others for failure is not fun. There are mistakes and there are choices. We all turned up to be heroes and to have fun, not be reminded that four weeks ago we forgot to X.

9. Thou shall EMBRACE the dice – Just because you rolled a 2 does not mean you have failed. It is just another opportunity for the story to develop when it does – embrace the dice result. Never roll above a 5 on that animal handling? Time for someone to do something cool and shrink the dragon back down to a baby and raise it again, but this time with manners. Never rolled above 5 in combat Mr THE CONQUEROR – clearly you delegate and have a team. Because lawful evil can be a cult run by accountants that are also on fire, who don’t like more rules, that are on FIRE.

10. Thou shall remember your character is more than their ancestry, stats, or backstory (please see NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BACKSTORY ARTICLE) –

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