The New Organiser Mantra

If you are not having fun, odds are neither are the players.

You aren’t there to beat the players you are there to facilitate the players.

If it isn’t necessary, it’s nice, but not important.

The ideas they have will sometimes be better and that’s fine.

It is okay to say no.

The rules are there to do things for you.

More information is always better.

Roll with the punches. Roll with the Dice, but never be beholden to them.

You will get things wrong, you will make mistakes and that is fine. It is allowed, learn from it, acknowledge it.

Be mindful of how you want the role-play to influence the rules/core mechanics.

Remember to be open about any changes to core mechanics.

If you don’t know a mechanic, it is totally okay to say “I’ll have to check”.

Don’t be afraid to tell a joke.

Don’t be afraid to rip off from other places.

Be consistent, even if it is constantly wrong.

Not everything requires a roll, if the outcome is in serious doubt then roll.

Let them roll the damage they take.

It isn’t your story.

It isn’t your world.

It is the player’s story.

It is the world that the player characters live in.

If they Cannot change the outcome, then why are you putting it in front of them?

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